Fawn and White Runner Ducks


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Fawn and White Runner Duck For Sale

Fawn and White Runner Ducks are tall, slender, brown and white waterfowl with an upright stance. The Fawn and White Runner Ducks, like other colors of Runners, have a slightly nervous temperament and tend to run clustered together as a group.

Runner Ducks are relatively small waterfowl (averaging just 3-4 pounds), good foragers and are a very interesting addition to any farm or homestead. Runner Ducks are good layers, averaging about 100-180 eggs per year. Runner Duck eggs are good sized, averaging 65-80 grams — however only about 35% of Fawn and White Runner Duck eggs will be bluish in color. Fawn and White Runner Ducks have a good fertility rate (86%) but make poor/fair mothers to their ducklings.

Indian Runner Ducks were actually developed in Southeast Asia, not India, and bred for egg production and mobility. These uniquely appearing ducks — sometimes referred to as ‘Penguin Ducks’ or ‘Bottle Neck Ducks‘ — have long, slender bodies and a vertical posture. Runners do not waddle like other ducks but move upright with a quick step. Runner Ducks varieties include the Fawn and White, ChocolateBlue and Black. The Black and Chocolate varieties will breed


Male, Female, Unsexed, Mactured Male, Mactured Female


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